Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hive Culture: Captivated by the Honeybee

The New York Daily News wrote an article about Hive Culture: Captivated by the Honeybee, an upcoming exhibit at Wave Hill in the Bronx. The exhibit features work about bees by 18 artists, including myself, with many focusing on Colony Collapse Disorder.

Hive Culture opens September 13 and runs through December 1. For more information checkout

Image courtesy of Wave Hill. Please click to enlarge and read.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Samhain: StoneMetal Press print exchange

Samhain celebrates the transition point between the light half of the year and the dark, held at the end of harvest. StoneMetal Press Printmaking Center in San Antonio is honoring this tradition with a print exchange.

Recently, my transition took place with a move to Los Angeles to teach printmaking and drawing at California State University Northridge. Living close to the ocean in a sprawling metropolis has peaked my interest in how water quality effects the smallest of creatures, traveling up the food chain to the largest.

Harmful algal blooms, sometimes referred to as red tides, are on the rise along populated coasts, in part from run off altering the water's nutrient balance and feeding the algae. In the Pacific, Pseudo-nitzschia produces domoic acid, a neurotoxin to humans and other mammals. Harmful algal blooms play a role in marine mortality events, including the 35 plus tons of suffocated sardines in King Harbor near Los Angeles this past March.

For information on the exchange or StoneMetal Press please visit

Red Tide, Relief print, 5 in. x 7 in., 2011